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Minor Amendments are made across the website from time to time.


SEPTEMBER/NOVEMBEREnid Bagnold added to Friends’ Introduction

MAY/AUGUST– Correspondence during 1933-1938 added  to Ralph Hodgson page

MARCH/APRIL – Morrisson Forebears added to Silvia’s Family page;  Baker Forebears updated. (Paré  & Oakes to follow in due course)

JANUARY/FEBRUARY – Silvia’s Paternal Forebears (Baker) added to the Family page 


NOVEMBER/DECEMBER – Silvia’s Maternal Forebears added to her Family page (Amys, Harrison, Windus & Yarington)

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER – Albert Rutherston added to Friends’ Introduction

JULY/AUGUST Pearson, Fenton & Lago added to Friends’ Introduction

MAY/JUNE – Amended and updated the Artist page

MARCH/APRILGeorge Wolfe Plank added to Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents)

JANUARY/FEBRUARY – Riette, Lady Lamington added to Family


NOVEMBER/DECEMBER – Correspondence between William Rothenstein, Silvia and Athole added to Rothenstein‘s page 

OCTOBER – Trip to the USA included opportunity to visit  the Beinecke Library (Yale) and Houghton Library (Harvard) in order to research further Correspondence relating to Silvia 

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER –  On Ralph Hodgson‘s  page, Part Two has been added to the section on Correspondence.  Added a map to Charles Reeve‘s page

JUNE/JULYTristram Hillier added to Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents)

APRIL/MAY –  Updated details of Emily’s brother at the end of her page.  Amended section on Crivelli (renaissance artist) at the end of Per Larsen page.  Added a Gauguin image to South Pacific page under Travels.

Note: Since Covid restrictions have been lifted, with travels & diaries back in action, it is more difficult to upload new  information every month.  Instead, it is likely to take place over a two month period.

MARCH – Continuation of Emily’s page

FEBRUARY – Silvia’s mother, Emily Frances Amys, added to Family

JANUARY – Amended Correspondence Sections for Muriel Hodgson


DECEMBERSir William Rothenstein added to Friends’ Introduction (Mentors)

NOVEMBER – Per Larsen updated his page with the addition of two letters (and another image in 01/22)

OCTOBER –  Clough Williams-Ellis added to Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents)

SEPTEMBERPer Larsen added to  Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents)

JULY – Correspondence added to Muriel Hodgson

JUNEMuriel Hodgson added to Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents)

MAYRalph Hodgson added to Friends’ Introduction (Mentors)

APRIL Friends’ Introduction amended under Friends, and a page added for Charles Reeve (Mentors)

MARCH – Cunard relations and a family tree added to Athole’s webpage.   A family tree also added to Silvia’s Family.

FEBRUARYAthole Hay, continued

JANUARYAthole Hay, Husband added to Family 


DECEMBER Augustus John added to Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents) 

NOVEMBER Paul Nash  added to Friends’ Introduction (Correspondents)

OCTOBER – Siblings added to Fausset’s webpage

SEPTEMBER – Page added for Silvia’s father, Fausset Maher Baker

JULY – Page added for Silvia’s brother, Arthur Amys Fausset Baker

JUNE  – Website launched! 

The following pages were set up: 

Home, About, Actress, Artist, Author, Family, Travels & Timeline

See Timeline (1970) for note about the spelling of Silvia’s second name